Repair Shop Software Screen Tour
Main Menu
The Main menu allows access to all the features in our repair order software.
From this screen you can select options to add repair orders, inventory, labor items to your labor lists, labor logging, packages, and much more.
Digital wrench uses a clean Windows based interface and is compatible with Windows 7, 8,10,11.
Repair Order Entry Screen
This is the exciting repair order entry screen. You can add one or more (no limit) of vehicles for each customer.
You can add one time special order parts, or add parts from inventory.
You can add labor the same way, one time labor entry or create your own labor list that you can place in your Repair Order.
Of course this screen does more so click More Info for Details.
Labor Logging
For shops that want to track actual repair time we have Labor Logger!
Once a Repair order has been created a tech can open Labor Logger, select the labor item to be worked on, then log in and out until the job is finished.
Then with the click of the mouse the time can be transferred to the Repair order.
One of the great features of our repair shop software is the ability to create semi automatic reminders that can be emailed, or exported to a file. You can also print postcards and send them out.
You create a master list of reminders and assign a master to a labor category. When that labor item is put in a repair order and the repair order completed an automatic reminder is created for that vehicle and customer.
Money and Tax Tracking
The screen above is the End of Day screen.
Every time a repair order is completed, a deposit made on a repair order, or any other money transaction it is recorded in Digital Wrench.
At the of the day, or whenever you like, you should print one the reports in the left column. Then you should purge this information which transfers it to the history file where you can get income reports, including taxes for any time period you pick.
Inventory and Parts List
Although Digital Wrench does not require you enter any parts in inventory. you can add all parts special order, we do have an excellent inventory/parts lists in our repair order software!
There is no limit to how many parts you can add to your list.
Parts can be imported using the import feature in our software. So if your vendor gives you a CSV file or spreadsheet file you can save as a CSV you can import it into Digital Wrench.
Reports and More Reports
Reports can be a great help in letting you know how your business is doing.
There are over 100 reports in Digital Wrench, a partial list is shown above.
Digital Wrench also comes with a Report Writer that allows people that like making their own reports to do just that! Along with all these reports you can create or have created custom invoices for your estimate and invoices needs.
Purchase Order
For those of you that order parts and want to track them in a Purchase Order it is including in our software.
You can create and add a Purchase Order right from a repair order.
Purchase orders can then be called in, printed so you can fax them, or emailed to the vendor. This is great for special order parts you need to order from a vendor that is not local. Of course it can be used for local vendors as well.
Point of Sale - Optional
What is Point of Sale?
Point of Sale is an optional program designed to sell parts quickly.
You can sell parts in Digital Wrench without Point of Sale. So why would you want, or need, this program? If you have a separate parts area or counter and want to sell parts fast and easy then you need to look at our Point of Sale.
AR and Fleet AR
Many shops have accounts that charge repair orders and send a check every month to cover several invoices.
Using our built in AR feature you can choose to charge interest on these repair orders, you can print statements, and make payments on those invoices.
We even have a multi pay button that will let you pay many invoices with one payment!
Setup Digital Wrench
Digital Wrench is customizable to work for many types of repair businesses.
This is all done from the setup screen.
In setup you enter your tax settings, company information, Disclaimers, the screens you want to show in the repair order entry screen, type of invoice printer, estimate printout and so much more. Even the entry fields for your business can be set for your business!
Labor Entry
Labor in a repair order can be entered as a one time labor job or it can be entered into the labor list and bought into any repair order over and over again without having to re-type the job!
Labor can be set on an hourly rate, or a flat rate.
Labor can be timed so you can charge for the actual time spent doing the repair.